Parsing inputs in Nim
One of the challenges during 2020 Advent of Code was how to easily and conveniently parse your inputs and convert them into some usable data type for later use. In this post I’ll show several different methods you can use in Nim for parsing:
- Parse as you go
- Just use
- “I know, I’ll use regex!”
Parse as you go
This example is from Day 5, where the input looks like this:
When the task is such that you’ll go through your input only once and it will be simple line-by-line traversal, there is no need to convert your multi-line input to a sequence of strings (or seq[seq[char]]
) and then iterate over that sequence(s).
There is lines
iterator which accepts a filename and yields lines of that file.
Instead of:
import strutils
let filename = "path/to/input.txt"
let content = readFile(filename).splitLines()
for line in content:
You can do that directly (and without the need to import strutils
let filename = "path/to/input.txt"
for line in filename.lines:
Just use split
The input for Day 4 was the first irregular input where you need to treat everything until an empty line as one group (which could be all in one row or in two or more multiple rows):
cid:242 iyr:2011 pid:953198122 eyr:2029 ecl:blu hcl:#888785
hgt:177cm pid:173cm
ecl:utc byr:2029 hcl:#efcc98 iyr:2023
I know people who had already struggled with splitting the input into separate groups, not realizing you can use a simple split("\n\n")
(They have split input at each line, and then wrote some logic to concatenate back stuff that should be in the same group.)
Once you have a sequence of groups, now you need to separate each field of the group.
The fields are delimited by a whitespace or a newline.
Once again I’ve seen people having trouble with this, doing replace('\n', ' ')
so they have everything separated by whitespace before doing a split(' ')
No need for that!
Using splitWhitespace
you can immediately split on any whitespace, including a newline or a tab.
import strutils
let filename = "path/to/input.txt"
for group in readFile(filename).split("\n\n"):
for field in group.splitWhitespace:
Even though the input looked irregular and hard to parse at the first sight, it can be easily parsed just by using split
and splitWhitespace
(For splitting a field, you can also once again use split(':')
or notice that each key is exactly three characters long and then take a slice: let key = field[0..2]
There is no need to bring “big guns” if the input is in fact quite simple.
Note: Don’t be fooled into using this method if you’re parsing a CSV file!
Use the dedicated parsecsv
for that.
“I know, I’ll use regex!”
You might recognize the title of this section as a part of a famous quote:
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.”
Now they have two problems.
When I’m writing Python, I don’t mind doing import re
and using regular expressions in the situations that ask for some regex.
I would say I’m quite familiar with regex and I have no problem writing non-trivial ones.
But when I write Nim, even though Nim has multiple regex libraries (some as a part of standard library, others as Nimble packages), I (almost) never use regular expressions.
The reason for that is that when I discovered scanf
, there was no turning back.
(The other reason is: when I have too many options too choose from, I spend more time analyzing which one is superior to others than using it :))
A part of Day 16’s input looked like this:
departure date: 28-109 or 135-950
departure time: 38-622 or 631-958
arrival location: 35-61 or 69-957
arrival station: 36-216 or 241-951
class: 31-439 or 445-957
duration: 35-925 or 939-965
price: 41-473 or 494-952
You needed to:
- extract the field name: everything before the colon (
); sometimes one word, sometimes two words - parse two integer ranges between
Splitting on ": "
, and then on " or "
, and then on "-"
was out of the question: it felt too convoluted and would be hard to read, and I knew I had a better tool for the job.
Enter strscans.scanf!
macro takes an input string, a pattern we wish to match, and the variables we will assign to our pattern matches (the variables must be declared beforehand).
The macro returns a Boolean, depending if the matching was successful or not.
This means we can parse our input with the following code:
import strscans
var min1, max1, min2, max2: int
var field: string
for line in input.lines:
if line.scanf("$+: $i-$i or $i-$i", field, min1, max1, min2, max2):
result[field] = {min1..max1, min2..max2}
As you can see, there’s no need for parseInt
: the numbers matched with $i
are already converted to integers.
is a Table
, declared outside of this example.)
Yes, you could have done the same with regex and some groups and matches, but I find scanf
both easier to write and easier to read and immediately understand what is going on.
You can also use scanf
when the input contains more than one pattern, like it was the case for Day 14:
mask = 11110100010101111011001X0100XX00100X
mem[17610] = 1035852
mem[55284] = 229776690
mem[16166] = 12685380
mask = 0X1X0X010101011X10X101000X0001110100
mem[968] = 15992
mem[32758] = 7076
Here a line can contain either a mask
(a binary-looking string, containing 1’s, 0’s and X’s) or an instruction where to put some values in mem
import tables, strscans
var mem: Table[int, int]
var k, v: int
var mask: string
for line in path.lines:
if line.scanf("mask = $+", mask):
elif line.scanf("mem[$i] = $i", k, v):
mem[k] = v
Easy and elegant.
I’ve seen some people use npeg, a pattern matching library especially suited for PEGs (parsing expression grammar), from the first day of Advent of Code. I felt no need to learn a completely new (to me) tool just to do stuff that I could achieve with the stuff mentioned in the previous sections, which I was familiar with.
That was the case until Day 19 came. Its input looked like this:
72: "b"
45: 46 52 | 9 72
85: 9 52 | 9 72
67: 52 48
25: 19 72 | 103 52
8: 42
32: 90 52 | 78 72
50: 113 113
It is a series of rules which the messages need to satisfy, an empty line, a list of messages. There are three different types of rules:
72: "b"
– rule 72 is just a single characterb
67: 52 48
– rule 67 is: rule 52 followed by rule 4845: 46 52 | 9 72
– rule 45 is either rule 46 followed by rule 52 or rule 9 followed by rule 72
Within those rules, there is rule 0, which is the starting rule, and our task is to check if the messages satisfy that rule.
This task looked like a perfect opportunity to learn npeg
Defining a grammar
If you want a quick introduction to npeg
, I can recommend npeg’s readme which contains several examples and lots of explanations of every part of npeg’s syntax.
We start top-down, describing what our input looks like:
it is a series of rules (+rule
), followed by an empty line ('\n'
), and then a list of messages (+message
Each rule starts by a multi-digit number (+Digit
), followed by ": "
, and then one of three different types of a rule described above (I’m calling them letter
, list
, and choice
, respectively), followed by a newline.
A message is just a series of characters (+Alpha
), followed by a newline.
Putting all this together, we have:
input <- +rule * '\n' * +message
rule <- +Digit * ": " * (letter | choice | list) * '\n'
message <- +Alpha * '\n'
Now it is time to define each of those sub-rules:
is just a single character inside of a pair of"
is a series of one or more numberschoice
are twolist
separated by" | "
letter <- '"' * Alpha * '"'
list <- +Digit * *(' ' * +Digit)
choice <- list * " | " * list
That is our complete grammar! And now comes the interesting part: capturing the stuff we need.
Capturing the matches
allows us to catch any part of a PEG with a >
prefix, e.g. >list
or >+Digit
, and if we end a grammar rule with a colon (:
), we can then write a regular Nim code block where we can manipulate the captures.
First we’ll define the types we need.
The Rule
type is a variant object, with different variants depending on the rule kind as described above.
Other types should be self-explanatory.
RuleKind = enum
rkLetter, rkList, rkChoice
Rule = object
case kind: RuleKind
of rkLetter:
letter: char
of rkList:
rules: seq[int]
of rkChoice:
left: seq[int]
right: seq[int]
Rules = Table[int, Rule]
Messages = seq[string]
var rules: Rules
var currentRule: Rule
var messages: Messages
Let’s start simple.
We’ll slightly modify our grammar rule for message
from above:
message <- >+Alpha * '\n':
messages.add $1
All it took was adding a >
to capture a series of letters and then adding that capture to the messages
Capturing the rules is slightly more convoluted.
Every time we encounter a rule kind, we capture it in currentRule
letter <- '"' * >Alpha * '"':
currentRule = Rule(kind: rkLetter, letter: ($1)[0])
list <- +Digit * *(' ' * +Digit):
currentRule = Rule(kind: rkList, rules: ($0)
choice <- >list * " | " * >list:
currentRule = Rule(kind: rkChoice,
left: ($1),
right: ($2)
After the whole rule is captured, we add the current rule to the table of all rules:
rule <- >+Digit * ": " * (letter | choice | list) * '\n':
rules[parseInt($1)] = currentRule
All together now
Putting the whole parser together, we have this:
let parser = peg input:
input <- +rule * '\n' * +message
rule <- >+Digit * ": " * (letter | choice | list) * '\n':
rules[parseInt($1)] = currentRule
letter <- '"' * >Alpha * '"':
currentRule = Rule(kind: rkLetter, letter: ($1)[0])
choice <- >list * " | " * >list:
currentRule = Rule(kind: rkChoice,
left: ($1),
right: ($2)
list <- +Digit * *(' ' * +Digit):
currentRule = Rule(kind: rkList, rules: ($0)
message <- >+Alpha * '\n':
messages.add $1
discard parser.matchFile(path)
A bit more convoluted than the examples in the previous sections, but the main reason for that is the input was more complicated to start with.
Even so, I think the code clearly (once you understand npeg
syntax) shows the grammar of our input and what we’re doing with captures.
One nice extra: npeg
allows us to easily create railroad diagrams if we compile our program with -d:npegGraph
For our grammar defined above it looks like this:
input o─┬─[rule]─┬»─'\n'─»┬─[message]─┬─o
╰───«────╯ ╰─────«─────╯
rule o───┬─[Digit]─┬──»─": "─»─┬─[letter]─┬─»─'\n'──o
┆╰────«────╯┆ ├─[choice]─┤
╰╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╯ ╰─[list]───╯
letter o──'"'─»───[Alpha]───»─'"'──o
╭╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╮ ╭╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╮
choice o────[list]───»─" | "─»───[list]────o
╰╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╯ ╰╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╶╯
list o─┬─[Digit]─┬»┴┬─' '─»┬─[Digit]─┬┬┴─o
╰────«────╯ │ ╰────«────╯│
message o───┬─[Alpha]─┬──»─'\n'──o
This is not just a pretty graph, it can also be used for better understanding a complex grammar or debugging: you can notice optionals (»
line above), repeats («
line below), captures (inside of a dotted-line rectangular), etc.
Nim offers us several different ways to parse a file, ranging from very simple to writing our own grammar parser. What to choose depends on the input, as well as on personal preferences (any of the methods shown here could be used in all of the examples shown).
Hopefully, you learnt something new that will help you write parsers more easily in the future.
All the examples are based on my Advent of Code solutions.